READING: HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANT SENTENCES Reading adalah salah satu keterampilan bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan reading membutuhkan kemampuan dalam memahami kata-kata dan kalimat dalam sebuah teks. Dengan memahami kata dan kalimat dalam teks, pembaca dapat mendapatkan makna untuk memahami infromasi dan pesan dalam teks. Ada beberapa tips yang dapat dilakukan oleh pembaca untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca. Tips tersebut adalah understanding the topic and main ideas, making conclusion andinference, dan Skimming and Scanning for Details.

Kegiatan Belajar 1. Understanding Topic Sentence and Main Ideas

A topic sentence is a sentence where the focus of the paragraph lies. The topic sentence contains a summary of information in the paragraph. In addition, the topic sentence tells the readers what the rest of the paragraph is about. Understanding the topic can help the reader to identify the writer’s point of view. In order to identify the topic, the readers can pick a word or phrase that describes the subject or the focus of the paragraph. In a paragraph, the writer usually gives his or her point of view toward the topic. This point of view can be seen from the main ideas. To identify the main ideas, the readers can find the topic and look for what ideas support it.

Look at the sample text:

Human beings are capable of thinking in two basic ways. Convergent thinking neatly and systematically tends toward an answer. Divergent thinking tends away from a center, perhaps in several directions at once, seeking avenues of inquiry rather than particular destination. Scientists, on the whole, engage in convergent thinking, but it is divergent thinking that breaks with the past and leads to unpredictable conclusions.

The topic sentence of the passage above is two basic ways of human being thinking capability. The main idea of the passage is the first sentence: Human beings are capable of thinking in two basic ways.

Kegiatan Belajar 2. Making Conclusion and Inference

When reading a passage, the readers will get the direct statement of the fact. However, the fact can also be found in indirect statement. Hence, the readers have to make a conclusion or inferences based on the evidence given in the passage. Conclusion or inference is an opinion that is formed after a period of thought and research. Drawing a conclusion requires the understanding of a meaning of the text which is either directly stated or implied. It also needs a readers’ background knowledge when reading a passage. The readers can use their background knowledge and experience, along with the clues and information from the passage, to make a guess about what is not directly stated in the passage and form an opinion that conclude it.

Look at the sample passage: Three of the published reports came from official investigations, but the other two came from private individuals. From the passage above, there are several ideas we can infer:

-There were five published reports. (Implicitly stated by the writer)

-Three of them came from official investigations.

-The other two came from private individuals.

Kegiatan Belajar 3. Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and scanning are fast reading techniques. They require rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through a text. The readers can do a skimming in previewing the text, reviewing the text, or when the readers want to get a general overview of the material. Meanwhile, scanning is a kind of fast reading with the focus on the specific fact that are intended to be found. Without reading every word, the reader already has what they are looking for in their mind. For example, the readers can focus on numbers, names, or key words in the text.

 Let's reading in skimming method :


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